On 19th August 2019, a group of young women and men from Western Kenya participated in the dissemination workshop towards the study “Exploring young people’s perspectives on empowerment, relationships and sexual choices”. This online study (with offline paper option) supported by Dance4life was conducted in Kenya, Netherlands, Russia and Indonesia. The study reached 2,500 young people aged 16-19 with 602 young people from Kenya participating.

This exploratory study sought to clarify and understand the complex concept of empowerment and assess young people’s perceptions on decision making and sexual health.

Kenyan young men and women regard themselves as equally empowered, and view empowerment as a mixture of personal and more relational assets, rather than just being defined by personal competencies. Being religious and educated play an important role in the chance to be empowered according to Kenyan youth.

While interrogating the study findings the young people had some messages to the government. To the Ministry of Health: “Promote Youth Friendly Services in all public health facilities”, To the Ministry of Education: “Implement Comprehensive Sexuality Education and train teachers to teach it” and to the Ministry of Youth Affairs: “Increase youth participation in decision making and policy making at all levels”. The full #IDECIDE4MYSELF study report can be accessed here.

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