Monitoring And Evaluation
Enhance Interconsult has developed and delivered Monitoring and Evaluation strategies to assess impact and to support strategic planning and policy change. We work to ensure that there is an exchange of learning to increase the effectiveness and impact of programmes.
We recognize that monitoring and evaluation of a project or an organization is important for understanding how it is doing against its objectives and provides information that enables teams to make relevant changes and improvements.
Relevant Professional Experience
Carried out the Baseline Study of the Partnership to Inspire, Transform and Connect the HIV Response Programme-PITCH Kenya. This work was commissioned by the International HIV and AIDS Alliance.
Baseline Survey for the LIVERO Consortium Community Environment and Livelihoods Integrated Project, based in Nyakach Sub County, Kisumu County. The project was financially and technically supported by the Communiy Development Trust Fund (CDTF).
Were Lead Consultants of the Children’s Dignity Forum (CDF) organisational performance External Evaluation. CDF is a Tanzania based child centred non-governmental organisation (NGO) that focuses on elimination of child marriages.
To carry out data analysis and report writing of the Personality Development and Sports Endline Project Evaluation. This work was commissioned by the Foundation for Tomorrow Tanzania.
To carry out a comparative study of the effects of an edutainment approach on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Southern Highlands of Tanzania. This work was commissioned by Restless Development and dance4life.
End of project Evaluation of the German Foundation for World Population (DSW) project titled ‘Addressing sexual and Reproductive Health of Female Youth Working in Informal sector’. The Evaluation was contracted by DSW Tanzania.
Evaluation of Restless Development-Tanzania’s Youth Peer-to-Peer Programme. Restless Development-formerly Student Partnerships Worldwide (SPW) is a youth led international development agency currently working in Africa, South Asia, Australia and the UK. The Evaluation was done under the auspicies of AMCA Inter-Consult Limited.
End of Project Evaluation for the Catholic Relief Services project titled ‘Orphans and Vulnerable Children HouseHold Strengthnening Project, 2010-2013’. The project was implemented in Geita and Sengerema, Tanzania.
United Nations - Tanzania
Evaluation of UN medical Services in Tanzania. The work involved a presentation of evidence based recommendations to the United Nations Country Management Team (UNCMT) on the most efficient, effective and sustainable manner of ensuring UN staff and their recognized dependants have access to health when they need it.
In the assessment of the Impact of Implementing the MVC Programme and the Operation of the MVC Funds. REPOA was commissioned by UNICEF to undertake an impact assessment for implementing the Most Vulnerable Children (MVC) Programme, and the operation of the MVC funds. The objective was to assess the programme’s efficiency, effectiveness, and impact, and the extent to which the MVC Programme could be adapted to provide a national social protection programme for MVC.
Facilitator to Sustainable Child Labour Elimination Strategies. Commissioned to REPOA by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to support implementation of the exit strategy of the Time Bound Programme on the elimination of Child Labour. This involved the assessment of the capacity needs in the eleven programme districts in order to support the operationalisation of the ‘National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty’ based strategies for the elimination of child labour, the identification of research gaps, and the development of implementation and monitoring tools.
Baseline Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) for care of young children (0-5 years old) in Moshi rural district, Tanzania. The study was commissioned to REPOA by Children in Crossfire.