Research And Analysis

In conducting Research and Analysis projects, we utilize methodologies that encourage participation and incorporate feedback from project participants.

The research and evaluation protocols we employ are flexible and tailor made allowing meaningful input from the client.

We believe that a well conducted inception phase lays the groundwork for a quality end product.

We conduct comparative studies, situational analysis, scoping studies, policy analysis, baseline surveys, and mid-term and end-term evaluation studies.

Relevant Professional Experience
  • Zanzibar

    Commissioned by the Zanzibar AIDS Commission to conduct a Rapid Mapping Assesment to determine extent of accessibility and ulitisation of condom use among Key Populations in the hotspots in Zanzibar.

  • Kenya

    Commissioned by dance4life International to conduct a study titled ‘I decide4myself Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Empowerment ‘in Kenya.

  • Kenya, Uganda

    Commissioned by Rutgers International to conduct ‘A scoping study of national platforms and relevant organizations in youth SRHR advocacy and policy influencing in Kenya and Uganda’ on behalf of the ‘Right Here Right Now’ strategic partnership.

  • Tanzania

    Tanzania, Situational Analysis for Child Rights in Tanzania focusing on issues of violence against children in and around schools and situation on legal rights for Children. We were subcontracted by Development Links Consult Uganda on behalf of Wellspring Advisors, US.

  • Kenya

    Analysed and interpretated the Media Monitoring Data for the Association of Media Women in Kenya (AMWIK) covering the period April to September 2013. The media monitoring data captured women coverage by three major newspapers in Kenya namely The Standard, Nation and The Star.

  • Tanzania

    YouthMap 2013. YouthMap was a four-year USAID program technically supported by the International Youth Foundation (IYF) to assess youth circumstances as well as support promising programs and practices in positive youth development in up to eight countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The program was designed to capture a comprehensive picture of the lives of young people, including how they spend their time, how they interact with each other and other segments of society, what services they utilize and what services they do not feel are accessible, their hopes, aspirations, and challenges.

  • Tanzania

    State of the Youth in Tanzania 2012. The study was funded and supported by Restless Development. The study sought to to explore the progress made by young people in the area of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, livelihoods and employment and civic participation.

  • Tanzania

    Managed technical and administrative activities of the Children Research Programme. This was a 4 year UNICEF funded project housed by REPOA.

  • Tanzania

    Managed technical and administrative activities related to the implementation of the study ‘Supplementing condom social marketing with education targeting men: Impact on male and female condom uptake in Tanzania’.This was a 2 year USAID funded project technically supported by AMREF, FHI and PSI.

  • Kenya

    Participated in a research project titled ‘Community management systems for fuelwood resources in western Kenya: a prospect for policy formulation’. Work involved collection of both quantitative and qualitative information, analysis using SPSS and Atlas.ti. Drs Chris Shisanya and Ismael Mahiri supervised the project.

  • Kenya

    Assisted with the development of a research and monitoring database for Tana River Primate National Reserve. Work involved data collection and assembly into Tana GEF computer using MAB Flora and MAB Fauna software.